My Little Spot

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The worst day at work...

Well I am what you call a contractor, I like being a contractor because I get paid every week. The down fall is that you really aren't treated the same as a regular employee. Shit I work my ass off just like the next person but still I'm looked at as a contractor. I don't get holiday pay nor paid sick day's, I can't work over time etc. But yesterday I was called cheap help by my very own supervisor, I wanted to beat the bitches ass so bad trust me.

First off just cause I'm a contractor doesn't mean I'm cheap and the only time some say help and my name in the same sentence is when they need help doing their own job. My supervisor is just a very played out fool she thinks that she is gods gift to everyone. She swears that everyone wants her even married men like VP's of our company etc she is just wrong in every way. This lady can not even do her own job she is always up in everyone else's business, she plays internet games all day while others are actually busting the butts off to earn their money.

Now its your turn to tell me if you have any co-workers like this??

Monday, March 27, 2006

I am back

I'm back on my peeps!